31 January 2007

自主映画「手づくりのスターウォーズ, or Star Wars in Sign Language

sort of.

Funk Stylers

i wish everyone would solve conflicts with funk-offs. it is a damn classy and entertaining way to discuss very important issues such as turf, women, and machismo. in fact i think i would be proud to be won in a funk-off. we would have so much to talk about on the way home.

29 January 2007

RIP Barbaro the Cutest Racehorse

Barbaro was put to sleep today due to complications after his surgery to fix a multi-fractured hind leg, injured at Belmont Stakes this year. Where he was a contender for the Triple Crown.

At least he lived an experienced, however short, life.


Animal of the Week

The Aye-Aye.

The World's Largest Nocturnal Primate, the Aye-Aye is one of the strangest looking creatures on the planet. The species is sometimes referred to as Madagascar’s answer to the woodpecker, due to its ability to detect and rip out grubs from hollow branches. Like other Malagasy lemurs the aye-aye is at risk from the destruction of its forest home for agriculture and development. Local superstitious beliefs have also played a role in its decline, as it is regarded as an evil omen in many areas and killed upon sight. Considered endangered.

I'll try to post a new animal every week.

16 January 2007

very exciting news. fyfefilms.com is now up. nothing is there... but i now own virtual space in my e-world (or is it i-world? not sure). and soon my ye olde domaine will be perusable.

i am blogging from a blogger's blog den. weird.

oh, and i have 21 hits. this is also big news.

California's Governor grabs asses

yet another reason why YouTube is wonderful.
(thanks to E)

12 January 2007

Lower East Side gets a shower.

fat kitty gets stuck in doggy door while stealing meow mix.

feline fruit helmets

10 January 2007

oh my god. 13 whole hits. i'm ecstatic.

ABSTRACTOR TV... check it out.

04 January 2007

this is baby panda Mei Lan, whose name means in Chinese "cuter than anything your brain can absorb." awesome.

03 January 2007

i now have a web counter.
it currently says 2.

01 January 2007

happy new year!!!

since it is now the future, here is an image of futuristic wonder.

the jetman.