30 May 2007

water roombas

horseshoe crabs in red hook, brooklyn.

underwater tiger

Odin is a large male white Bengal Tiger. He is six years old and lives at the Six Flags Discovery Kingdom in Vallejo, CA. His trainer has taught the 10' tiger to dive into water to retrieve bits of meat, and now has a real affinity for swimming.
From the article...
"White tigers - the colour is caused by an unusual genetic combination - are rare in the wild, although there are several dozen in zoos.

Odin was hand-raised at the zoo. And after he was weaned, his British trainer Lee Munro discovered his remarkable skill: when a lump of meat was thrown into a pool of water, Odin would happily dive in after it.

In fact, although Big Cats generally do not like water, tigers of all types have been spotted taking to the water to hunt and even to bathe for pleasure.

Odin can now be observed in action - a large pool with glass walls has been constructed at the zoo to allow visitors to watch him gliding through the water with all the grace of a polar bear.

Tragically, within our lifetimes, zoos might be the only places left to see these magnificent animals.

A century ago there were about 100,000 tigers in the wild. Now there are just 2,500 adults, with the Bengal variety almost extinct."

CLICK on the pictures to read the article and see the video!

25 May 2007

awww and ewww, but mainly awww

kitten being fed in an animal shelter, brooklyn. contact BARC for your very own.

23 May 2007

lions vs. water buffalo vs. crocodiles

nature. at south africa's kruger national park. with amateur commentary.

20 May 2007

cougar vs. badger

happy birthday to A, my favorite badger.
i guess this only works if the plane doesn't blow up into many pieces.

07 May 2007

jump on it.

race horses collide on track

flying cat

angry elephant seal takes out rage on cars

cow kick